Are you eating right and exercising but not happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? Here are 5 of the most common patient concerns and what you can do about them.

Lines around the Mouth

Smile lines from the nose to the mouth and marionette lines from the corners of the mouth to the jaw age the appearance of both men and women. Lines around the mouth and decreases in lip volume due loss of collagen can make it difficult to wear lip stick and often make women feel less feminine and less attractive. The solution – replacing lost volume in these areas. There are fillers on the market (Bellafill®, Belotero®, Restylane® Silk, Juvederm®) that vary by softness, ease of placement and length of time between treatments. Most fillers now have local anesthetics added to increase comfort, and the use of microcannulas for placement of these fillers can minimize discomfort and bruising.

Flat Cheeks

Loss of tissue – primarily fat in distinct fat pads in the cheeks leads to loss of the youthful contours of the midface. These contours of the face reflect light and give the midface a more healthy, youthful appearance. Additional loss of supporting structures of muscles, ligaments and bone cause descent and deflation of the midface that can be improved by the correct placement of fillers. Here a stiffer filler (Restylane® Lift, Voluma) combined with specific injection techniques are used to get a lifting of the tissue. Men lose mid-face volume too and fillers can be used to replace lost volume but care must be taken to maintain a masculine facial shape.

Loose Neck Skin

Sun damage, loss of collagen and mechanical stressors all contribute to laxity of the skin of the neck. Before surgery, consider non-surgical options for tightening the skin of the neck. Fractional radiofrequency (Fractora), laser and micro-focused ultrasound (Ulthera) treatments can tighten and lift the skin from the forehead down the face and neck to the collar bone area. A recently FDA-approved injectable treatment option (Kybella®) holds promise for dissolving fat accumulations under the chin and can improve the contour of the neck. Combine these treatments with good UV protection with sunscreens, topical retinoid and growth factor containing skin care products to keep the skin of the neck firm.

Tired Eyes

Excess skin above and bags below, wrinkles and dark circles all make the eyes look old and tired. Getting enough sleep, good nutrition and hydration are critical but often not enough to counter act aging around the eyes.  The neuromodulators (BOTOX®, XEOMIN® and Dysport®) can relax muscles around the eye to elevate the brow and open up the appearance of the eyes. Skin rejuvenation of the forehead, upper and lower lids with fractional radiofrequency (Fractora and Forma) and laser treatments can tighten excess upper lid skin as well as contract and tighten the lower lid area. Additionally, meticulous placement of certain fillers both above and below the eye can rejuvenate tired-looking eyes.

Brown Spots

As we age, cumulative sun exposure can leave brown patches over the forehead and cheeks, neck and chest, hands, arms and legs. Combined with small broken capillaries, the quality of skin tone changes and makes us look older. Light-based therapies with IPL (intense pulsed light) and specific lasers can be used to bring brown pigmented patches up to the surface of the skin and peel away. Broken capillaries of the cheek and nose contract and become less visible. When the browns and reds of the skin are diminished, the result…. even skin tones and a more youth appearance.

Looking your best at every age isn’t hard. Age gracefully by taking care of your skin at home and with the help of a knowledgeable cosmetic medicine provider. Contact MD Age Management today to schedule your consultation!

Dr. Jerry Horton is a board-certified physician specializing in Aesthetic Medicine and a featured writer for the Orlando Sentinel.

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