Are you frustrated by the way your clothes currently fit? Do you wish there was something you could do to tone your upper arms, trunk, buttocks, or legs? Do you feel self-conscious about submental fullness? If so, you may be a good fit for CoolSculpting at MD Age Management in Winter Park, FL. This treatment, sometimes referred to as cryolipolysis, results in rapid fat loss. To avoid loose skin, you may also need a Body FX treatment.
What Is CoolSculpting Plus Body FX?
CoolSculpting is one of the safest, most effective body contouring treatments on the market. It is similar to liposuction in that it can remove between 26 and 80% of fat cells near the surface of the skin in a targeted area. However, it is a better fit than liposuction for more people due to its non-invasive nature. As an added bonus, it is appropriate for more people than other non-invasive fat removal treatments because it uses cold therapy instead of laser therapy.
While laser therapy is generally safer than an invasive procedure that requires incisions, it is not appropriate for individuals who are sensitive to light. If you’re thinking non-invasive fat removal is ideal for you but your skin is sensitive to light, you won’t qualify for laser therapy. However, you may be considered a good fit for cryolipolysis.
What Results Can I Expect From Body FX?
With Body FX, you can expect your skin to become tighter and smoother. Your skin will continue to hug your contours even as your body flushes out a massive amount of fat lost from cryolipolysis very quickly. Your skin will also be smoother than it has been in years. This radiofrequency-based treatment is so effective at skin smoothing that you will even notice cellulite disappearing week after week.
Body FX is an excellent complement to cryolipolysis because it facilitates skin tightening. However, there is a more compelling reason why this is the perfect complement to cold-based fat removal treatment. This radiofrequency-based treatment also liquefies some of the fat cells in the targeted area, resulting in even more fat loss.
Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment?
You need an evaluation with an aesthetic expert to determine whether you are a good fit for cryolipolysis with Body FX. As a general rule of thumb, you will be considered a good cryolipolysis candidate if you are no more than 30 pounds from your goal weight, feel confident you can maintain your weight after treatment, and have realistic expectations about the results. However, this fat removal treatment is not appropriate for individuals who are extremely sensitive to the cold.
Body FX is a cosmetic treatment that provides deep, uniform heat to the targeted area. This heat induces extra collagen that causes the skin to tighten and smooth itself, looking younger and healthier. This is ideal if you get a cosmetic fat removal treatment because, without the complementary treatment, there is a chance that skin in the treatment area could sag. There is an excellent chance you will qualify for Body FX if you have a significant amount of fat that needs removal.
Who Isn’t a Good Candidate for Fat Removal Treatments?
While cryolipolysis is safe and effective for most relatively healthy adults, it is not appropriate for everyone. Even if you are old enough to qualify for cryolipolysis, you will be considered a poor fit for this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Furthermore, this treatment may not be appropriate for you if you are currently trying to become pregnant.
If you plan to become pregnant in the future, you may be considered a good cryolipolysis candidate. However, you should keep in mind that body contouring treatments only result in the permanent removal of some fat cells. Any of the fat cells that remain in the body can hold onto fat for future use, affecting your new and improved contours negatively. Since pregnancy almost always results in fat gain, you may need a touch-up treatment if you get pregnant after you’re treated.
How Much Weight Can I Gain After My Treatment?
It is true that you may not qualify for this treatment if you don’t feel confident that you can maintain your post-treatment results. However, we’d like to mention that it is okay to gain some fat after treatment. Your genes and other factors affect where you store excess energy in the form of fat.
There’s a good chance that you will store excess energy in the areas that were treated. However, you may be able to gain roughly 10 pounds before you start seeing negative changes in your improved contours.
Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today
If you’re frustrated by your contours or the way your clothes fit, there is a good chance that you will be a good CoolSculpting with BodyFX candidate. However, there is only one way to find out for sure. You need to schedule an initial consultation with MD Age Management in Winter Park, FL. We have proudly served the Orlando, FL area for years and can’t wait to help you achieve the body of your dreams.